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Coronavirus Crisis Impacts on Financial Business & Academia: The Czech Case

发稿时间:2021-01-20 10:39:00 来源:


Coronavirus Crisis Impacts on Financial Business & Academia: The Czech Case


Dr. Ladislav Zemánek, junior financial advisor, Stone & belter (Prague, Czech Republic); analyst, China-CEE Institute (Budapest, Hungary)

拉迪斯拉夫·泽马内克(Ladislav Zemánek)博士, Stone & belter(捷克共和国布拉格)初级金融顾问;中国中东欧研究院(匈牙利布达佩斯)分析师

The crisis provoked by the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease has affected both fields in which I have worked – finance and academia. Although these branches are very different from each other in many respects, impacts of the current unexpected and serious situation have had much in common in both cases.


I work as a junior advisor in a Czech financial advisory company. We aim at providing our clients with knowledge-based and unbiased consultancy as well as finance and property management. Our services cover insurance, investment or credits including mortgages, nevertheless, these are only partial tools for gradual building of financial independence based on a complex, long-term and rational financial care and management, which is unthinkable without establishment and cultivation of mutual trust-based relationship between clients and advisors. Such a relationship can barely be established without personal, face-to-face contact and communication. Therefore, the current crisis has hindered acquisition of new clients. Electronic forms of communication help in many cases but especially the initial phase of cooperation with clients is characterised by intensive face-to-face communication which is necessary for effective and thorough analysis of the client′s financial and property situation, needs and future goals, as well as for establishment of mutual trust and forms of cooperation. It is thus not surprising that under current circumstances, increases in number of new clients have been very low.


Furthermore, since March, when the epidemic situation started to deteriorate significantly in our country, the number of new deals has decreased arising from a drop in demand from clients who have been afraid of the ongoing epidemic development and influenced by strong uncertainty in terms of their financial incomes and possible abrupt needs to be solved. From the point of view of individual branches mentioned in the previous paragraph, decrease can be observed primarily in the field of insurance. On the other hand, however, the coronavirus crisis, which has also affected financial markets and economy as a whole, has created good opportunities for investment. A steep decline in financial markets in the last months enabled to invest both into bonds and stocks at very advantageous prices. We have therefore been communicating with our clients having ready money at their disposal as to purchases of financial instruments in order to expand their financial portfolios. These bargains are likely to generate profits in a more or less distant future.


Besides a more intensive focus on investment, a considerable part of demands from and consultations with clients have regarded credits in general and mortgages in particular. The reason are decreases in interest rates as a result of decisions made by the central bank with the aim to stimulate economic activities and money circulation. Very low interest rates accompanied by loosening of credit rules are to encourage people to take out a mortgage. In addition, many expect that the current crisis will bring about a decrease in real estates prices, which have been soaring for many years until now. These changes and speculations lead solvent clients to consider purchase of a new flat. We are doing our best to choose the most appropriate solution. Even though the number of mortgages has fallen over the last months, rise is expected due to abovementioned shifts on both the mortgage and real estate market.


Notwithstanding the very problems arising from the crisis and related restrictive measures introduced by the Czech government, new conditions have produced new forms of work and doing business. The most substantial change is expansion of electronic devices, e-communication tools and on-line platforms. An advisor has became able to consult with more clients in case of use of e-tools. At the same time, insurance companies, banks, investment companies and other financial institutions have been forced to digitalise a wide array of processes and steps in order to maintain businesses. In a sense, the crisis has prompted these to a more pro-client policy. An increasing number of deals and operations including investment one has became fully electronic, which makes the advisor′s work with clients more effective and smooth.


Similar hindrances have occurred in the academic life. I work as an external research fellow at the Centre of Global Studies at the Czech Academy of Sciences and, simultaneously, as an analyst at the China-CEE Institute, established by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Budapest. In response to the restrictive measures, the academics were to work and carry out research from home. A great deal of conferences, seminars and other activities have been cancelled or suspended. Nevertheless, the academic and research life has not stopped as many institutions have provided open access to their sources. Moreover, social isolation and the need for discussion and opinion and knowledge exchanges have led to the intensification of mutual, bilateral as well as multilateral communication by means of e-tools and on-line platforms such as Zoom or WeChat. I myself have been engaged in a WeChat seminar organised in cooperation with colleagues from Zhejiang Financial College and dedicated to the novel coronavirus crisis in China and Central Europe.


Undoubtedly, these difficult times may change formats of scientific collaboration existing so far. Thanks to the more intensive e-interactions, blending of different styles and genres together with weakening of formal elements in favour of the informal ones can be observed. These emerging forms are typical of naturalness, liveliness and mixed character. It seems to me that if grasped properly, they can show to be more fruitful, strengthening intercultural understanding and good knowledge and practices transfer. The coronavirus crisis can thus contribute to deepening ties as well as awareness of global responsibility and community, sharing common destiny and common future.

