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发稿时间:2021-01-22 16:55:00 来源:

Soon after graduating from Soka University nine years ago, I began working at my current workplace, Meisei Industry, Co., Ltd.



Our company has been in business for 51 years this year (2020). We produce value-added products with our manufacturing equipment, using our own technology and machine design system.


One of the main products we manufacture is called copper foil thread, in which copper wire in the form of foil is wound around the thread core. Because it demonstrates excellence in its elasticity, flexibility, and lightweight properties, it has been widely adopted for use in industrial robots, semiconductor production equipment, audio cables and more recently in space, aviation, and medical fields.



Currently, our company is able to manufacture copper foil thread as thin as 50in diameter. This is the thinnest in the world. We also process ultra-fine assembled wires as thin as 9 in diameter designed for cables to be inserted into the body, such as for gastroscopes.



Reflecting on my life, I remember that when I was in junior high school, I deepened my conviction to someday work in a field where I could contribute to world peace. Since I began working at my current company, I have kept that resolve close at heart while doing my best to contribute to society and doing whatever I could for the development of my company, which has been to produce ultra-fine copper foil wires. As a result of being recognized at work for my commitment, I was recommended by my co-workers and have been appointed as the CEO of my company in late March 2020.



As soon I was appointed, I had to confront the COVID-19 crisis. When I was wondering what I should do about work, my employees, how to handle things from now on, etc., Professor Hideyuki Itabashi of the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, suddenly contacted me. He said, “I’d like us to jointly develop a ‘copper fiber sheet’ that would drastically reduce infection risk for the current novel coronavirus.”



This March, research teams at UCLA and Princeton University reported that the survival period of the novel human coronavirus depends on the type of surface it adheres to. According to their study, the virus remained viable on plastic and stainless steel between 48 and 72 hours. On copper, no viable virus was measured after 4 hours, which was much shorter than on other surfaces.

今年3月,加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA )和普林斯顿大学的研究团队报告称,新型人类冠状病毒的存活期取决于其依附的表面类型。根据他们的研究,该病毒可在塑料和不锈钢表面上存活48 72小时。经测定,与其他表面相比,病毒在铜表面上的存活期更短,不足4小时。


In fact, our company had been focusing our attention on copper as having bactericidal effects and we had been considering using copper foil thread for product development. This is precisely what Professor Itabashi was setting his eyes on.



But it was a sudden request, nonetheless. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that our company should do whatever we can to help people as soon as possible. All the employees came together to implement smooth and effective product development. And we were able to succeed with unprecedented speed.


The copper fiber sheet we developed used copper foil thread in both the warp and weft directions and the surface of the copper is coated with photocatalyst, which is known to be highly antibacterial and antiviral. Our experiments found that compared to copper alone, this sheet was a thousand times more antibacterial.



The copper fiber sheet is very lightweight, and we would be able to make ‘mask covers’ to be worn over regular face masks, surgical gloves, as well as covers for elevator buttons, light switches, leather straps on trains and buses, and doorknobs, etc.



On April 8, only two weeks after Professor Itabashi contacted me, I was making a press release for the copper fiber sheet. It was a breakthrough product, so it attracted a lot of media attention. My press conference was not only covered in Gunma prefecture, but it also aired on national television.



Our company is not only drawing attention for the copper fiber sheet we developed. Medical cables we have been supplying from before are being used for ultrasound imaging in medical examinations for patients. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, inquiries from the United States and European countries have increased so we are operating our facilities at full capacity.



What matters most for our company is the people. When I became the CEO, I shared with all the employees something I learned from my mentor in life and honorary president of the Soka Gakkai, Mr. Daisaku Ikeda. He said that these five points are crucial in protecting and developing an organization as if it has been made over. They are as follows:


1. Act with a sense of responsibility


2. Speak clearly and politely


3. Be kind and gentle


4. Have a neat and clean appearance


5. Communicate precisely and accurately



  Profits sometimes must be prioritized in business. But through developing the new copper fiber sheet, we were able to base ourselves on these five points, as well as be a source of hope for people fighting COVID-19 and achieve success in our business.



COVID-19 is still prevalent throughout the world—I am praying sincerely that it will be contained soon. Mr. Ikeda said, “Our personal happiness and the well-being of society comes down to what is in our hearts and minds.” With flames of hope and courage ignited in my heart, I am determined to continue contributing to world peace and to make advances in my work and in my life.

