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发稿时间:2021-01-22 16:50:00 来源:

I work at a Japanese language school handling administrative work while also teaching Japanese once a week. Our school has 400 foreign students from 30 countries including China, Vietnam and the Philippines.



This January, when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak first erupted in China, a colleague who is a liaison for China, having heard that face masks were in shortage, bought several hundred masks using her own pocket money and sent them to her friends in China. Her actions triggered our entire school to also show our support as much as possible by sending large amounts of goods such as face masks and alcohol-based disinfectants to study abroad centres and to our graduates in China.

今年1月,新型冠状病毒(COVID-19) 首次在中国爆发。当时,担任中国联络员的同事听闻口罩短缺,于是使用自己的零用钱购买了数百个口罩,然后将这些口罩寄给她在中国的朋友。她的举动赢得了全校的支持,大家竭尽全力向海外研究中心和我们在中国的毕业生们寄送口罩、酒精类消毒剂等大量的物品。


 Later, the number of infections escalated in Japan, depleting our own supply of face masks. Then, in March, a graduate who had received the face masks we sent in January, sent 1,200 medical face masks to our school saying it was to return the favor. This was still at a time when infections were growing in China and when, I am sure, masks were still scarce. I was so touched and deeply encouraged by their sincerity to reach out to us despite being in a tough situation themselves.



 Our school immediately decided to deliver these masks to those who were in need the most and donated them to the city to be used in the medical field. Our mayor (of Sagamihara City) thanked us later in a letter saying, “Thank you very much for the most valuable gift.”



At our school, we kept in touch with each of our students through phone calls and social media, and we identified two issues that were troubling the students.



One is social isolation. Due to travel restrictions imposed by countries around the world, many of our students are unable to leave Japan. Furthermore, they are also unable to connect with local communities and are feeling increasingly anxious.



The second issue is being at a standstill financially. Some have stopped receiving funds from home, or were deprived from opportunity to continue with their part-time jobs due to reasons such as temporary shut-down of their workplaces. We felt that it was the foreign students who were being weighed down the most with worry.



And so, in April, we began conducting online classes for our students. We scheduled classes to handmake face masks together, or set up gatherings for our students to communicate and exchange online. The students enjoyed seeing their friends again after a long break and talked excitedly with one another.



For students struggling financially, we support them as much as we can, for instance, by extending the deadline for payments of school fees. Some have voiced relief at the school’s response to this situation, but in truth, it is not enough to completely eliminate the medium to long term anxiety felt by the students. We are determined, however, to continue doing our best to support our students through this ordeal.



Throughout this period, I have engraved in my heart the words of Dr. Daisaku Ikeda, the founder of Soka University, my alma mater, who said, “Foreign students are the future of the country.” The warmth in these words are underpinned by trust and hope that “no matter what job they (the foreign students) go on to serve in the future, they are treasured individuals who will build ties with their homeland and Japan.”  



In fact, around 30 Chinese students who graduated from my school are currently working in Japan as a nurse, and I am filled with deep emotion when I think of them dedicating their lives in this struggle against the virus here in this country.



It is because these individuals possess such potential that we should firmly establish in our society the belief that “foreign students are the country’s future” and ensure that the educational environment is prepared for times of emergency.



I have learned from the Soka Gakkai the spirit that “friendships built through grassroot exchanges can bring together countries transcending matters of national interest,” and I have been putting this into practice at my workplace.



In the case of my school, the sincere actions of one colleague spread to create warmth in the people of both nations to help save lives. When we support each other during times of difficulty, the appreciation we feel is much deeper than at ordinary times and our sense of solidarity becomes that much stronger. I believe that the good intentions inherent in all human beings are the hope to overcoming crisis.  



This idea is described in the following words that represents the philosophy of the Soka Gakkai:


“If one lights a fire for others, one will brighten one’s own way.”


I strongly feel that the common goal that we as youth should uphold is not just limited to bringing an end to the COVID-19 pandemic but to build a world of cooperation fueled by this crisis.



I believe in the brightness of our future that will be brought forth by youth from around the world, working in various fields, who awoke to their mission and stood up to take action. I will continue to build friendship with each and every one of our foreign students who are the “future of the country.”

