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发稿时间:2021-01-20 10:06:00 来源:




Many people didn't believe that pandemic could befall on us. Before we could even realize it, we were in the war against ruthless COVID-19. The schools, sport fields, restaurants, theaters, they all have been closed. Nobody knew what will happen next. The Czech Republic also fought with the lack of protective equipment. Face masks were unavailable in hospitals and retirement homes.



Soon we showed ourselves that we are able to function even in the hardest moments. Not only the pandemic, but also huge wave of solidarity came into our country. Social media were full of people trying to help. They offered to help with buying groceries for seniors, walking dogs for people in quarantine, looking after children of doctors and nurses, sewing face masks and even providing psychological counsounselling.



We were sewing face masks and giving them to people in need



Due to lack of protective equipment, Czech homes and companies had to come up with a compromise. People sat down to their sewing machines and started making face masks. Soon enough the sound of a sewing machine accompanied almost every home. Volunteers were sewing for hours, some of them even for days. During the first days of pandemic thousands of hand made face masks wandered to hospital staff, shopkeepers, social services workers. We didn't forget the old or the sick, the most vulnerable group.



Technical universities and many companies started with the production of ventilators and so much needed respirators for medical staff “in the first line“. Many companies quickly reoriented their production into making disinfectant of which there was also lack in the beginning of the pandemic. Some of the domestic companies helped each other. The competition went away.



In Czech we are simply able to cope in any situation. We can also be selfless and think of others. The crisis can simply wake up the best in us. It is great to find out that we can pull together. Our country can be strong in critical times. Big thanks belongs to those who prove it with their actions. We’ve all become superheroes for a short time. Because we were not selfish. Because we stood for each other.



Hero in each one of us



Each one of us can be a hero. It’s not difficult at all. Sometimes the smile is enough. In these hard times it is important to encourage our friends and family. I think that the most important thing to do is to spread the feeling of us all being in this together and that together we are going to make it.



Nobody can save themselves. Nobody is in this on their own. COVID-19 is our mutual enemy and we are all on the same boat. And not just us in the Czech Republic, but all the people on the whole World. As the Chinese ambassador wrote in his article: “Only if we manage to join our forces together, only then we will manage to overcome our mutual obstacles 



From the very beginning China actively participated and is still participating on the development of the international cooperation in prevention and control and is fully supporting international effort in this area. Our lands were able to help and support each other in these hard times. I am really thankful for this mutual cooperation of our nations in the fight against the pandemic and I hope that both sides will continue in cooperating and friendship.



 Recently I’ve read a nice quote, which speaks for itself: “The World is my country and humankind is my family. 



  Let’s not forget, that we made it together and together we are going to make it anytime!



Luká? Gibiec, marketing and PR specialist


managing director (MPMP)

