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A Medical Worker's letter to His Son

发稿时间:2021-01-20 09:52:00 来源:

At the hospital where I work, we began accepting patients diagnosed with COVID-19 from April, and as a cardiologist, I am now in charge of seeing outpatients showing symptoms such as fever.


Although I engage in my work everyday with great caution, I am still left feeling deeply unsettled. I live with fear and worry everyday wondering how long this situation will continue, or thinking what if I get infected and pass on the virus to my family or friends.



Not only am I confronted with reality in my workplace at the hospital but we are bombarded with disheartening news on the TV or newspaper on a daily basis. In the midst of such darkness leading to the unknown, what should we do and think in order to stay positive?


I concluded that the answer is “to write a message to people we care about.” A message of encouragement, conveying our gratitude to people who support us including our family and friends, colleagues and people in our community. If you do not have people you share a close relationship with nearby, you could also write a message to your future self, say ten years from now.



By writing a letter to your loved ones, I believe that positive feelings and thoughts will naturally well forth such as, “I am going to overcome this situation in order to protect the well-being of this person who I care about.”



With that in mind, I wrote a letter to my third son who celebrated his first birthday amidst this coronavirus pandemic, addressing it nine years from now for his 10th birthday.



Dear Hiroyuki,



Hiro, what do you like to do nowadays? Is school fun everyday?


Today, on April 23, 2029, you turned 10 years old!


When you were still in mommy’s tummy, it became too cramped for you, so you decided to arrive into this world a little early and I remember being a little sad that you had to stay in the hospital for a while, away from mommy and daddy. But I was so happy that once we brought you home, you grew everyday in good health.


I’m sorry that we couldn’t do much to celebrate your first birthday. That was when the coronavirus was spreading. We had planned to take a family picture to commemorate your birthday but we had to cancel and we couldn’t go out either, so all we could do was to buy a small cake and stayed home to celebrate.


(This virus was first reported in 2019, so it was named COVID-19. Looking back, the year your brother was born, there was a big earthquake in Japan and it was also a difficult time. All sorts of things happen in life.)



When I think back to that year, I am still amazed how well everyone endured that period.  



Several months before your one-year birthday, the coronavirus suddenly spread and people infected with the virus were also hospitalized where I worked. At the time, I was overwhelmed with worry and fear that I might pass on the virus to mommy or to you.


(Don’t tell mommy but I sometimes cried when I was alone.) There was a lot of news on the internet and I felt so discouraged that it became hard to go to work everyday.


During such a time, a patient of mine said, “Doctor, thank you. I know it’s not easy but please take care of your health and hang in there!” and I was so encouraged. When you are having a tough time, comments even made casually can brighten your day. I made a decision that day to do my best and overcome this no matter what!



The founder of the elementary school that you are attending and that I also graduated from taught us, “to dedicate our lives for others!” Recalling this naturally brought forth courage within me. When you encourage others, you also feel uplifted and when you are in high spirits, we are able to have appreciation for other people. In so doing, by the time I realized, my worries and fear, and even the coronavirus had all disappeared.



It is hard being a doctor but I’m glad I became one because it is a job that enables me to help relieve the suffering of the person in front of me and instill hope in them.



I hope that you will study hard, read lots of books and play a lot with your friends right now, so that in the future, you can also become someone who is capable of helping others.



I’m sure you will experience a lot of hardships and struggles in the next ten years but please know that you will be able to overcome all of your current and future struggles without a doubt. If there is anything I can do to help, all you need to do is ask. When you grow up, you may also face difficult situations like the coronavirus, but when you are feeling down, please remember the words of our founder. I will do my best to support you, too.



I’m looking forward to our future together. Together, let’s do our best aiming toward the next ten years!



From Dad




What is it that we are faced with right now? Needless to say, we are fighting a virus filled with a lot of unknowns, but we are also faced with prejudice and discrimination stemming from worry and fear, as well as the selfish behavior of some individuals, and division between countries and people… In order to overcome this “wall/barrier in our hearts,” we need to connect heart-to-heart with the people closest to us through encouragement and appreciation.



My mentor in life taught me to live a life treasuring each individual and treating them with respect. In 2014, I had the opportunity to have an exchange with the members of the All-China Youth Federation as part of the Soka Gakkai youth delegation visiting China, where I learned that the youth in China also have this same life philosophy deeply engraved in their hearts.



It is precisely because we are in the midst of this unprecedented challenge that I will go back to my prime point as a medical practitioner and exert my utmost for the person in front of me.

